The Link Between Our Polluted Waterways & Toxic Fish |
Our nation�s lakes and rivers bear a legacy of industrial pollution along their banks and in underlying sediments. When long-lived toxic chemicals like PCBs are dumped into waterways, they settle at the bottom of lakes and rivers and are captured in sediments. These contaminated sediments provide a constant source of toxic chemicals that work their way up the food chain and are concentrated at high levels in fish, waterfowl and other aquatic life. In turn, people who consume this contaminated food can suffer from cancer, reproductive problems, and developmental abnormalities. Quality of Life Impacts � The impacts of contaminated sediments are clearly demonstrated in the Great Lakes region, an area that includes eight states and two Canadian provinces. This region holds almost 20% our planet�s fresh surface waters and provides drinking water for 40 million people. Sediments contaminated with chemicals such as PCBs, dioxins, and mercury are the largest source of pollution affecting over 40% of its shoreline (2,068 miles). One fourth of all U.S. industries and more paper industries than anywhere in the world are located in this region. Health Impacts � Government health advisories warn people not to eat fish from waters in the U.S. While PCB levels in wildlife have declined since the federal Environmental Protection Agency�s (EPA�s) ban in 1976, many fish still contain PCBs at 100 times health-protective levels. A study showed infants born to mothers who ate Great Lakes fish had lower birth weights, smaller heads, and slower movements than unexposed infants [Jacobson]. A follow-up study showed long-term negative effects on physical growth, verbal skills, and short-term memory. Dr. Vallentyne of the Great Lakes Science Advisory Board has warned, �These chemicals may be whittling away the innate potential within our species to learn and think.� [1991] Ecological Impacts � Studies have found tumors and reproductive abnormalities in fish are linked to contaminated sediments. Many common fish species are no longer self-sustaining in the Great Lakes and must constantly be restocked, and many wildlife and bird species that rely on fish are suffering from deformities and reproductive failure. [Env. Canada 1991] Economic Impacts � Contaminated sediment toxic �hotspots� restrict economic growth and urban waterfront revitalization, and have caused many fisheries to close their doors, putting people out of work. Taxpayers pay up to 5 times more to dredge contaminated sediments than they ordinarily would just to keep their ports open. Great Lakes fisheries alone are worth an estimated $3-4 billion per year and support about 80,000 jobs. Over 6.5 million trout must be stocked every year at a cost of $2.5 million to taxpayers to restore fish populations in the Great Lakes.
BE SAFE: Take Precautionary Action to Clean Up Contaminated Sediments |
Contaminated sediments are known to be a major source of pollution to our food chain as they are stirred up by storms, dredging and boat movement. Approximately 85% of human cancer risks from Great Lakes contaminants come from eating PCB-laden fish, which also have long-term detrimental effects on children�s health and development. [Manno] We must heed these early warning signs of the catastrophic effects of dumping chemicals into our waterways and put safety before profits. 2. PUT SAFETY FIRST We
have the tools we need to safely destroy or remove contaminants
found in sediments, permanently isolate them from the food
chain, and prevent further contamination by
3. EXERCISE DEMOCRACY The link between contaminated sediments and impacts on our health and economy have been demonstrated, yet polluters still dump huge amounts of chemicals into our waterways as government fails to enforce the clean up of contaminated sediments. Communities harmed by contaminated sediments must be part of the democratic process to develop and enforce health-protective cleanup and prevention policies and hold polluters accountable. 4.
CHOOSE THE SAFEST SOLUTIONS Communities across the country are faced with choices on how they will clean up contaminated sediments plaguing their waterfronts and waterways. Often, despite knowing about the problems, nothing is done because of the apparent complexity and expense of cleaning them up. In some cases, contaminated sediments are moved from one community to another via dredging and land disposal. In others, clay, plastic or metal caps and liners are used to contain the sediments or build disposal facilities guaranteed to eventually leak. The safest solution is full cleanup by destroying or removing the contaminants from the ecosystem in an environmentally responsible way. Many proven treatment technologies can achieve full cleanup, such as pre-treating (washing) dredged materials to separate out up to 90% of contaminants, and then using microorganisms, chemicals, or heat to destroy or extract the remaining contamination. BE SAFE Platform is coordinated by the Center for Health, Environment & Justice. Contact us at CHEJ, P.O. Box 6806, Falls Church, VA 22040, 703-237-2249, or 518-732-4538, or visit www.besafenet.com |
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BE SAFE PlatformIn the 21st century, we envision a world in which our food, water and air are clean, and our children grow up healthy and thrive. Everyone needs a protected, safe community and workplace, and natural environment to enjoy. We can make this world vision a reality. The tools we bring to this work are prevention, safety, responsibility and democracy. Our goal is to prevent pollution and environmental destruction before it happens. We support this precautionary approach because it is preventive medicine for our environment and health. It makes sense to:
We choose a "better safe than sorry" approach motivated by caution and prevention. |
Take precautionary action to protect
our health from contaminated sediments. |